Get to Know the Authors and Artist of IntergalacticMatch.com
In IntergalacticMatch.com, Michael Ellegion takes the reader with him on the unique, mind-blowing, and Transformational journey that he experienced when he was first reunited with Celeste, his own Divine Other Half. He shares the many Awesome Blessings, Wonderful Miracles, and Powerful Synchronicities that occurred because of this, and how this literally energetically impacted the Time-Space Continuum – which also set the stage for many other Twin-Flame couples to now meet.
Michael is the author of Prepare for the Landings!, which describes his physical contacts and communications with Higher Extraterrestrial Beings. He was originally trained as a young child through the Edgar Cayce Method of Channeling, and he has done thousands of Transformational Channeled Readings for fellow Light Workers/Star People for many decades. He is available for media interviews and hosting and sponsorship for lectures and workshops

Celeste, the Divine Other Half of Michael, is an Immortal Intergalactic Goddess and Space Lady. She is stationed on the Celestial Star, her and Michael’s Higher Self’s Merkabah Light Ship, which is positioned above planet Earth. She is very much connected with various other Intergalactic Goddesses, such as Lady Kwan Yin, Aphrodite, Isis, Mary Magdalene, Athena, etc.
As a major member of the Love Ops/Special Forces of Romantic Love, Celeste is a Universal Matchmaker, helping Divine Couples “hook up” so they can truly experience Unconditional Romantic Love and truly Live Happily Ever After! She is very dedicated to restoring Heaven on Earth and the Golden Age, just as it was experienced in the ancient Lemurian Tantric Oracle Rainbow Crystal Temples.

Erial-Ali, the Psychic-Visionary Artist, who did this wonderful Portrait of Celeste, has been doing very beautiful visionary images of Higher Light Beings, Realms and Intergalactic themes for many years, and is very talented with these images and psychic “Soul” Portraits. Now that he has recently done this beautiful and very accurate portrait of Celeste, he is now also going to “specialize” in doing portraits of Higher Beings who are the Twin-Flames of fellow Volunteers in Earth embodiment/Light Workers.
"In the image that he did of my Beloved, Celeste, he was able to really capture her “Immortal Intergalactic Goddess-Space Lady” frequency that she so very much emanates all the time, and her very intense deep Divine Unconditional Romantic Love that she so strongly and intensely feels for me all the time. I also sense that those of you who are still sincerely “searching” with pure heart's desire for your own ”Cosmic True Love” will really enjoy having him do a similar type of portrait, so you, too, can enjoy the wonderful energetic presence that is felt from your own Beloved."
(Michael Ellegion)
How to Connect with the Artist, Erial-Ali:
Utopian Visions, Visionary Art, Celestial Soul Portraits, Stories, & Poetic Philosophy
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