Media Interviews
Link for listening to the recording of Solar Eclipse, Update on Russian Attacks, P Diddy’s Arrest, Tik Tok Ban, Homosexuality Parasite.. March 28, 2024

Link for listening to the recording of Mother Gaia: children rescued, weather manipulations, ET's in Miami mall, Chinese creating dinosaurs, Hollow Earth beings uniting with surface dwellers and more... Jan 17, 2023

Link for listening to the recording of Q phones, Medbeds, Trump’s assassination attempt, casino cyberattacks, EBS, Horus Eye, and more... September 27, 2023

Link for listening to the recording of Yeshua & Mary Magdalene Twin Flame Relationship, Trump’s Bloodlines & Jerusalem, 12 & 24 strand of... May 25, 2023

Link for listening to the recording of Adama From Inner Earth, War Between Lemuria & Atlantis, Earth & Galactic History, QFS, RV, Military Tribunals, Twin Flames, impact on Ascension, Trump's presidency, yoga & more, April. 12, 2023:

Link for listening to the recording of St. German Intel Update, QFS, NESARA, Tesla Q phones working with Quantum Consciousness, ascension requirements and more!

Link for listening to the recording of my Interview with Nyla Nguyen on her show “3D to 5D Consciousness” Nov. 27, 2022:

Link for listening to the recording of my [4th] Interview with Tina Saelee on her “Health & Wellness” show, along with special guest Host Lokesh Rai, Aug. 10, 2022:
Among the topics that Tina, Lokesh and I discussed (some of the “Rabbit Holes” that we went down): of when I first personally met/connected with “Q” back in the 1980’s, and the in-depth history of Q (which actually, historically, was first referred to during Biblical Times), how President Trump & his family are connected through his “family tree” to President Lincoln, Kennedy, and his involvement with Time Travel technology, how Higher Intergalactic Light Forces helped Q and White Hats take over the NSA from the cabal (which involved a UFO sighting of a Light Ship hovering over the NSA center, verifying this fact), Celeste is an “Intergalactic Match Maker” for Re-connecting Twin-Flame Couples, etc.

Link for listening to the recording of my [3rd] Interview with Tina Saelee on her “Health & Wellness” show July 27, 2022:
Among the many topics we discussed: much more about the Reality of Twin-Flame Couples now beginning to be Re-connected (and the various Protocols which help for this to occur), how this will help defeat A.I. , how I was first Activated thru the “Edgar Cayce method” of channeling, as a young child, to do my personal 90 min. Transformational Channeled Readings for fellow Light Workers/Star Seeds, etc.

Link for listening to the recording of my [2nd] Interview with Tina Saelee on her “Health & Wellness” show July 20, 2022:
We Discussed many subjects: Blood Types of Star Seeds, the 144,000, Twin-Flame Couples & Volunteers in Earth embodiment, Q and the Earth Alliance with help from Intergalactic Light Forces has defeated the cabal, etc.

Link for listening to the recording of My Interview with Nicholas on the “Nicholas Veniamin show” July 19, 2022:
We Discussed how planet Earth is now in the early stages of becoming a “junior league member" of the Galactic Federation, and about Celeste’s Manifesting hundreds of Valentine Heart & Animal shaped Water Droplets in my Kitchen Sink (her “Cosmic Love Notes” to me) and what they Symbolize

Link for listening to the recording of my Interview with Tina Saelee on her “Health & Wellness” show July 6, 2022:
We covered a lot about Cosmic Love, Twin-Flames and Celeste’s & my Relationship, Star Seeds, UFO’s & E.T.’s, etc.

Link for listening to the recording of my Interview with Joan on her show “Joan of Angels” June 8, 2022:
Joan focused on my Multi-Dimensional, Cosmic Romantic relationship with Celeste and how others can also experience a similar type relationship

Link for listening to the recording of my Mar. 24, 2022 Interview with Victoria Reynolds on her "Fearless and Free" TV show:

Single Anons is a new Patriot Dating site for like-minded Single Patriots who are passionate about Freedom, Liberty and Love.
My Feb. 14th, Valentine’s Day Interview with the newly formed “Single Anons.” Here is the link to view all three parts of the Interview:

Link for listening to the recording of my Feb. 12, 2022 Interview with Salim Boullali:
We covered many topics during our Interview: The Guardians, Intergalactic Love, Star People talk, our Cosmic Life, the New Jerusalem Crew, Starseeds targeted, Earth Liberation, etc.

Link for viewing the Documentary Film, “The Liberation of Earth-FULL DISCLOSURE, Documentary 2022”:
Film was produced by Salim Boullali, and he used many segments from my Interview with Nyla Nguyen on Jan. 18th, of me Channeling Ashtar, which Verified much of his own Intel sources that he had already recorded for use throughout his film.
Link for listening to the recording of my Interview with Nyla Nguyen on her show “3D to 5D Consciousness” Jan. 18, 2022:

Link for listening to the recording of The Spiritually Raw Show, Dec. 1, 2021:
FULL Show at
INTERGALACTIC TWIN-FLAME & Everything In Between! It Gets Fiery...we cover Psychotronic Weapons, Merkabah Light Ship, Universal Guardian Alliance, Federation of Light, Time-Space Continuum, 5D, Lemuria, Elohim Masters, Trump, White Hats, Current Events & more.

Link for listening to the recording of my Interview with Host Randi Fine, on the “Fine Time To Heal” radio show, Nov. 16, 2021:
Link for listening to the recording of my Nov. 4th, 2021 “Connecting-Consciousness FL” Zoom call, about Celeste &
During this zoom call, I had mentioned about something really Awesome that Celeste “Manifested” for me, of photos that I had intended to show during the zoom call, but was unable to, that I had wanted to share with everyone, of just a few examples of the many hundreds of photos that I took during the last couple years. Of what I refer to as special “cosmic love notes” that Celeste has energetically manifested for me in my kitchen sink, of her transforming normal water droplets [and even some eggs in the skillet on the stove that were about to be cooked!] into “Valentine Heart shapes.” Next year, 2022, in fact, I plan on publishing another book which will contain many more of these wonderful “Cosmic Love Notes”, from my Beloved, Celeste.